
Friday, August 31, 2012

DNS setup in BSD machine

     Earlier I have written a blog about setting up DNS server in CentOS. You can find that here. And today I was given a task to do the same in BSD machine. wtf! Even BSD is an UNIX variant, it is not Linux. So the problem it will not have much different but a little. We have find that little one. Like earlier, I didn't find any simple method to setup dns.

     The concept is same as we did in Linux. Need to install bind. Then edit named.conf. And write a database file. I am not going to explain every steps. So just spend some 10 minutes with the page I mentioned above. Of course 10 minutes is enough to finish that article.

Install bind:
     If you have connected your BSD machine with Internet, It will be much easy. I didn't connected. If you have connected,
#cd /usr/ports/dns/bind94/
#make configure
select the options you want in the menu shown. Ans click ok. Thats all you have done.

     In case you are not having Internet like me(poor guy right?), download bind-9.4-ESV.tar.gz and bind-9.4-ESV.tar.gz.asc and copy that to your BSD machine on the location /usr/ports/distfiles. Now run the above two commands. Thats all. You thought of more complex steps. You are not supposed to expect complex things from this blog. Because basically I am a somberi.

Edit named.config
     Just copy and paste the following in the file /etc/namedb/named.conf

zone "" {
     type master;
     file "/etc/namedb/master/";
    Change the name and file path as per your requirement. Atleast read that above mentioned article now. You can have a little understanding of this file. Anyway you wish :@

Edit database file
       Copy and paste the following /etc/namedb/master/"
$TTL    3600  IN  SOA ( 
      22000 )  IN  NS  IN  A  IN  A  IN  A  IN  AAAA  3fff::e  IN  AAAA  fe80::10

Alter this as per you requirement. Now you have no chance. You should read that article if you want to really alter anything here.

Some touch things and start the engine
     Now open /etc/rc.conf and the line named_enable="YES" at the end.

     Set your DNS server to the local host. Open /etc/resolv.conf and add nameserver Or the IP may be any IP you assigned to your machine. It also can be an IPv6 address.
#echo "nameserver <ip_addr>" >/etc/resolv.conf
Okey. Steps are over. start it.
#service named start
 Whatever error it throws, don't care. Just check it by doing a look-up. You want to know the command to do a look-up? Then I am so rude I won't help you.

     If it is not working, try after rebooting the machine.
     If you make any change in the configuration file or the database file, you need to restart the dns server. you can simply use #service named restart. But in my case, it doesn't work. So #killall named and once again start the dns server with #service named start
    And you really want more and you have time and patience, read this. I referred this page to set up DNS server in my machine and write this article ;). I said I referred not read!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

IPv6 network commands for Free BSD

I am using a Free BSD machine in my office to run some test scripts. BSD is similar to Linux but not Linux. The commands to use in BSD interface is little different from commands being used in Linux. Many times I spent hours just find the correct syntax. So here I have given some commands' syntax.

Add IPv6 address
syntax: ifconfig <interface_name> inet6 <ipv6_address>/<prefix_len>
example: ifconfig vr0 inet6 3fff::2/64
des: Assigning ipv6 address 3fff::2 with prefix length 64 to the interface vr0

Delete IPv6 address
syntax: ifconfig <interface_name> inet6 <ipv6_address>/<prefix_len> delete
example: ifconfig vr0 inet6 3fff::2/64 delete
des: Removing ipv6 address 3fff::2 with prefix length 64 from the interface vr0

Add route in routing table
syntax: route add -inet6 <subnet> <gateway>
example: route add -inet6 ::/0 fe80::2
des: Adding default route to gateway fe80::2

Remove route from routing table
syntax: route del -inet6 <subnet> <gateway>
example: route del -inet6 ::/0 fe80::2
des: Removing default route to gateway fe80::2 from routing table

Show routing table
#netstat -nr

IPv6 address look-up (nslookup for ipv6)
syntax: nslookup -q=AAAA <domain_name>
example: nslookup -q=AAAA
des: look up for ipv6 address to the domain

ping ipv6 address
syntax: ping6 [-I <interface>] [-c <count>] <ipv6_address or domain having ipv6_address>
example: ping6 -I vr0 fe80::4
                 ping6 -I vr0 -c 4
des: first line pings to the ipv6 address fe80::4 via the interface vr0. Second line pings to the domain which is having at-least an ipv6 address via interface vr0 four times. The second line first does DNS lookup for the name

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

simple ipv4 and ipv6 dns server setup in linux (centos)

Here I have explained the steps to setup a simple dns server for some small experiments. My operation system is CentOS. But the configuration files will be same in other operating systems also. I used bind for dns deamon. There are other options too. But bind is popular and fully documented.
  • Install bind (#yum install bind). In some case bind may be already installed by default (in my machine it is already installed).
  • The configuration file, named.conf should be placed in /etc/. If bind-chroot is installed, the configuration file should be placed in /var/named/chroot/etc/.
  • /var/named will be bind's working directory. If bind-chroot is installed /var/named/chroot will be the working directory. (place .db files in corresponding directory)
 /etc/named.conf (/var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf incase bind-chroot)
zone "" {
        type master;
        file "";
/etc/named/ (var/named/chroot/ incase bind-chroot)
 @       IN      SOA (
                     2008051200      ; serial
                     1d12h                ; refresh
                     15M                   ; update
                     3W12h               ; expiry
                     2h20M   )          ; minimum

  @       IN     NS

  one     IN     A
  @       IN     A
  six     IN     AAAA     fe80::2
  six     IN     AAAA     3fff::2
  six     IN     AAAA     fec0::15
  • Replace with the name you want to use.
  • In file, the line "one IN A" matches the name with the IPv4 address
  • The line "@ IN A" matches the name'@' refers current domain) with ipv4 address
  • And the last three lines adds three AAAA IPv6 records for the name
Configure dns server ip address to local machine's address. Now restart the named demon (bind dns server demon)
# service named restart
Check the functioning of dns server by issuing nslookup command.

  • Resolve
# nslookup


  • Resolve
# nslookup


  • Reslove (IPv6)
# nslookup
> set q=AAAA
> has AAAA address fec0::15 has AAAA address 3fff::2 has AAAA address fe80::2
 If you want better understanding please visit

Monday, August 13, 2012

tahi tests RFC 3315 test cases 13 14 15 16 17 18 failure

     These test cases tests the 'DHCP Unique IDentifier' (DUID) sent in the solicitation message. This DUID is defined in RFC3315 section 9. There are three types of DUIDs (DUID-LLT, DUID-EN, DUID-LL). The device is free to choose its DUID format. Among the six test cases only two are supported by any kind of device. So other four will be always 'not yet supported'. You have choose which DUID should be used for your device. Find your device's DUID and set this in the '' file.

     To find the type of DUID used by your device, capture DHCPv6 solicitation message sent by your device in wireshark. In that expand the DHCPv6 payload. There will be a section 'client identifier'. In that 'option type' and 'option length' are generic. Leave them and compare other elements with the DUID definitions given in RFC 3315. You will identify the type.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

very simple brute force sudoku solve program in C

     In my college first year, I heard Sivakumar telling about his friend's brother who created a c program to solve sudoku. At that time I was thinking it was very hard and that guy who created that program is very intelligent. Because I never solved even a single sudoku puzzle. Sometimes I sat for hours and it will go wrong in at last.

     Till yesterday I never thought that I am able write a program to solve a sudoku puzzle. But this bike accident made me to sit alone in room and I had nothing to do. Siva came into mind as well as the puzzle program. I just gave a thought. Viola the concept is very simple. Brute-force! the all time success methodology will solve this puzz in minutes even in worst case.

    Here I have attached my code which is less than 200 lines.

    Also read the code here. And please update me if it is having any issues.

#ifndef SUDOKU_H
#define SUDOKU_H 1
#define ZERO 0
#define MAX 9
#define PASS 0
#define FAIL 1
#define FIXED 0
#define WORKING 1
#define TOWORK 2
typedef struct element {
    int val;
    int status;
} element;
extern element elm[MAX][MAX];
void get_input();
int next_elm();
int check(int, int);
void show();

#include <stdio.h>
#include "sudoku.h"
element elm[MAX][MAX];
int main() {
    printf("SUDOKU PROGRAM BY theB\n");
    int ret = next_elm();
    if (ret == PASS) {
    else {
        printf("INPUT ERROR\n");
    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include "sudoku.h"
void get_input() {
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX ; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < MAX; j++) {
            printf("ENTER elm[%d][%d]: ", i, j);
            scanf("%d", &elm[i][j].val);

            if (elm[i][j].val)
                elm[i][j].status = FIXED;
                elm[i][j].status = TOWORK;

#include <stdio.h>
#include "sudoku.h"
int check(int x, int y) {
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
        if ((elm[x][y].val == elm[i][y].val) && (x != i))
            return FAIL;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
        if ((elm[x][y].val == elm[x][i].val) && (y != i))
            return FAIL;
    int startx = (x / 3) * 3;
    int starty = (y / 3) * 3;
    for (i = startx; i < startx + 3; i++) {
        for (j = starty; j < starty + 3; j++) {
            if ((elm[x][y].val == elm[i][j].val) && (x != i) && (y != j)) {
                return FAIL;
    return PASS;

#include <stdio.h>
#include "sudoku.h"
int next_elm() {
    int i, j, k;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < MAX; j++) {
            if (elm[i][j].status == TOWORK)
                goto L;
    return PASS;
    for (k = 1; k <= MAX; k++) {
        elm[i][j].val = k;
        elm[i][j].status = WORKING;
        int ret = check(i, j);
        if (ret == FAIL)
        else if (ret == PASS) {
            ret = next_elm();
            if (ret == PASS)
                return PASS;
    elm[i][j].val = 0;
    elm[i][j].status = TOWORK;
    return FAIL;

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hack google hurdle race

     Today morning when I opened google, I saw the hurdles. I tried it. I am not so good with games. I can't even come within 20 seconds. But my friends are doing good and my office's best record is 10.6 seconds with two medels. So the crowd is at the top runners' desk.

     I decided to pull the crowd towards me. I am a programmer than a gammer. I did it in my way. Here is my result.
    It is very simple. Do the following.
  • Use firefox installed with firebug addon or chrome.
  • Play the game and finish it. (you take your own time. Don't hurry. Slow and study wins the race ;-)
  • In chrome open settings -> Tools -> Developer tools. In firefox open firebut by Tools -> firebug or clicking the bug image at the right bottom cornor of your firefox.
  • Now  you can edit the page code in realtime.
  • Everything is under the div with id hplogo_sb
  • Under that div, you can see four elements. hplogo_sbt is for the score and three hplogo_sm are for the medels.
  • Change hplogo_sbt's value to whatever you want. Even negetive as I do.
  • And change the class value of all hplogo_sm to hplogo_smg. If the hplogo_sm's class value is hplogo_smh, the medel is not granted. If you change it to hplogo_smg, it will be granted.
  • Now call your friends and get popular
Now the entire crowd is at my desk ;-)